225 Golf street, Cowansville

Curling Training

In collaboration with Curling Québec we are offering the following training sessions.

Blizzard/U15 Program

Blizzard : Kids 6 - 12 years old / U15 : Less then 15 years old

See details on French Version...


Programme Ascension (Curling 101)

Adults - This training will be offered upon request depending on the number of participants.


The 'Programme Ascension (Curling 101)' program is an initiation program for those who have never played curling before and would like to try.


For sessions of 2 hours per week, for 8 weeks, and with help of qualified trainors, participants will learn basic notions, technics and strategies of curling.


When : every saturday for 8 weeks from 10am to noon (dates to be confirmed)